What Are Some Myths About Belly Dance?

Mezdulene Bliss
4 min readFeb 1, 2019


Back Stage at Belly Dancer USA www.bellydancerusa.com

There are many myths and misconceptions about the women’s dances of the Middle East. Here are the ones I hear most often:

Belly-Dance is some sort of sex dance performed by “harem girls” for some sort of “sheik” or “sultan.”

Belly Dance is a woman’s dance. At one time it was done by “harem girls” but not for the sultan. Harems were full of women of all ages, who sang…



Mezdulene Bliss

Mezdulene has two great passions, Divine Feminine Belly Dance and writing. She has published essays, articles and books and loves to travel. www.mezdulene.com