Member-only story
Depression Hurts But You Can Help
I know many of you have seen those commercials promoting anti-depressants and saying how depression hurts. But, how many of you really know about depression? Until you experience it first hand, there is no way to know what another person is going through when they suffer from depression.
Depression can be mild, or it can be disabling with varying degrees in between. It is estimated that almost 15 million Americans suffer from severe depression, and millions more suffer from other types of depression.
Mild depression might elicit thoughts like, “I’m feeling kind of low and don’t really want to go to dance class, but I’ll go anyway because I know it will make me feel better.” Or it might be something we only suffer with PMS when our hormones are out of whack and lasts just a few hours or a day or two.
Severe depression is more like, “I don’t want to get out of bed.” “I don’t want to live anymore.” It’s driving down the road thinking, “If I slam into that telephone pole going 65 mph, my family will think it’s an accident and won’t know that I really committed suicide.” The only thing that stops you from doing it is, you might not succeed and might end up in physical pain as well as emotional pain which would be even worse.
Sometimes depression is blatant and in your face, such as situational depression after a…